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Surprise Me
146-Shot - Straight, Z-Fan & V-Fan
F3 - 25m Safety Distance
Low Noise - No
Two fanned and two straight firing barrages. Gold palms with silver glitter. crackling willows, red strobes. Stunning Z-firing section with vivid pastel colours and glitter bouquet. Gold willows with blue stars and triple volley of glitter for a spectacular finale.

Silent But Deadly
196-Shot - Straight, Z-Fan & W-Fan
95 seconds
F3 - 25m Safety Distance
Low Noise - Yes
A wonderful quiet, long duration cake with a real range of interesting and colourful effects. Silver chrys tails with mines, spit dahlias, fish, colour mines. Spit horsetails , colour pearls and finishing with silver chrys.

Beast From The East
292-Shot - Straight Up
F3 - 25m Safety Distance
Low Noise - No
4 Pre-Fused Cakes, 1 Single Ignition
3 x 64 Shot Cakes
1 x 100 Shot Cake
Cake 1, 64 shots of Crackling Mines to Purple and Green Stars with Crackling.
Cake 2, 64 Shots of Red Strobe with Red Strobe Mine, Green Strobe with Green Strobe Mine, Gold Strobe with Gold Strobe Mine and White Strobe with White Strobe Mine.
Cake 3, Whistling Serpents bursting to Silver Strobe Crackling
Cake 4, 100 Monstrous Bursts of Gold Brocade Mines to Bold Brocades with Red Glitter.